I support companies in becoming more sustainable.

My name is Sandra Broschat and I am an experienced expert
for sustainability.

Als „Head of Sustainability“ verantworte ich mit meinem Team das Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement beim SV Werder Bremen.

As the author of a reference book and as co-founder and managing director of Futurewoman, I regularly take part as an expert in panel discussions and workshops or give my own keynotes.

Fotocredits: Yannik Cischinsky


"What you do
every day
more than
what you do
once in a

- Gretchen Ruby

Fotocredits: Heldphotografie


My book.

"Sustainable careers - changing the world with the right job."

My current book gives suggestions for getting started and making the transition to sustainability.

"I excel at

working strategically
while taking on
and finding solutions."

Photo credits: Kai Bublitz

I am a co-founder of Futurewoman.


We want to bring more female sustainability experts onto the stage and into the media. With our own formats, futuretalks and the futureacademy, we contribute to getting more women into decision-making positions, where they can then act in the interests of sustainability.


My inspiration.

Rarely has the topic of sustainability been as present in the media as it is today. Here you will find recommendations curated by me - regularly updated by me.